Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1900. Today is the 1,900th day that the Captain has been a dad. That’s 45,600 hours. The Captain would like to say that every single hour has been great, but some have been very trying. The experience is amazing and I wouldn’t trade in even the darkest hours because the bright hours that follow make it all worthwhile.
There are a number of things that I enjoy, but our Elf, Jingle Bells, has stumbled upon my favorite – coloring.
You see The Captain is not a great artist, but that doesn’t matter. The Eldest thinks that he is amazing and that is all that matters. The Captain’s 7th grade students laugh at his stick figures, but he has never professed to be Picasso. Okay, maybe just Van Gogh – minus the ear thing.
The point is this. Coloring is fun. Eye. Your kids see you taking artistic risks they are inclined to try to take artistic risks as well. These are risks I encourage.
The Captain is looking forward to coloring for a long time…even when his kids start laughing at his drawings!
So right now…go color something with your kids. You won’t regret it.

For now…Captain out.
Stay tuned for the other lessons The Captain learns from Jingle Bells
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Respect on the Blues drawing!
Thank you!