The Elf Day 4

Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1901.  And today we find Jingle Bells the elf fishing.  That’s right, fishing. For Goldfish.  The edible kind:)

The Goldfish just aren't biting today...

Today’s lesson from Jingle Bells is quite simple – find the simple joys in life that calm your brain.  The Captain’s grandfather used to always say, “I’m just gonna set (yes set) down for a bit and be quiet.” He had a lot of hobbies – most of them involved electronics.  As much as he enjoyed conversations, he enjoyed a television or computer to fix.  This process usually involved quiet.
We are so often so busy that we lose the things that make us “us”.  Sometimes it takes just a spell of quietness to get reacquainted with ourselves. 
What do you do for fun or relaxation?  And do you find the time to do it frequently. 
The Captain isn’t a big fisherman, but he enjoys reading blogs or writing to quiet his mind. 
Find your hobby.  In the words of Woody from Toy Story, “If you don’t have one – get one!”
That’s all for now.  Stay tuned for more mimed words of wisdom from Jingle Bells. 
For now…Captain out.

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