Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1938. One of the joys of being a teacher is the fact that the Captain is a “seasonal stay at home dad”. Occasionally, the Captain gets the joys (and challenges) of being a stay at home parent. Obviously, it is not the same as being home every day, but it is enough to give the Captain even more respect for those that do it on a daily basis. If you think it is easy, you should try doing it for an extended period of time. It always bugs the Captain when people label SAH moms and dads as lazy. Hogwash.
Today, the Captain would like to share one of the fun activities. You see, the Eldest constructed a bunker (made of chairs and blankets) worthy of being on one of those doomsday shows. Unbeknownst to her, doomsday is here- The Diaper Dweller. And the dog. And the cats.
Currently, the bunker is causing joy and, probably soon, tears. But the important part is the kids are playing. Yes, Monsters Inc. is playing in the background, but the siblings are playing and that is all that matters-
Uh, oh. Breaking news. The Eldest just said, “I don’t want a little brother.”.
Trouble is brewing. Duty calls. The Captain has to go. Much love to the Stay At Home Parents. I salute you.
Happy New Year! Captain Out…
All hands on deck. There’s mutiny…
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Wait…You didn’t get the memo about us stay at home parents secretly dropping the kids off at daycare while we play golf, practice the culinary arts, and drink booze while watching tv all day?
I shall add you to the group mailing list for secret stay at home parent rules.
Ha! I did not get that memo. Good to know;)
What’s the difference between a bunker and a fort?
What you have there looks like a fort to me…
The little brother (ne’ Diaper Dweller) makes it a bunker. Otherwise it would be a fort. Lol
It is no easy thing being a stay at home dad. I treat is like a job and take pride in every nap, diaper, dish, meal and blog post. If you aren’t tired and happy at the end of most days then you aren’t doing it right! This is not a gig for the lazy!!!
Amen, brother. Amen.