Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 2022. It is Spring Break Eve Eve. Little known fact – two years ago (roughly) The Captain’s Log was born out of Spring Break Facebook posts. So, this time of year is a special one. We love Spring Break here – school is nearing end and the beginning of The Captain’s stint as a Seasonal Stay At Home Dad (SSAHD) will begin. It is fun, challenging, tiring, at times frustrating, but a time The Captain cherishes.
A lot of people talk about getting in shape for the beach. The Captain just wants to get in shape for the children. There will be horseplay and books and, if we are lucky, lots of laughter.
This break I would love to try some new activities and projects and is looking for suggestions. Have any? Drop them in the comme.t section, on my Facebook page, or tweet me. For now…Captain out.
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