Captain’s Log. Diaper Date 2669: The Death Knell of Winter Break.
I woke up this morning to my last day of freedom. I don’t count the weekends. The weekends are always mine.
Starting Monday the grind returns. Leaving in the cold, dark abyss and returning in the cold, dark abyss.
The Death Knell of Winter Break is upon us. We leave a season of lights and joy and food and drinks and snacks and laughter and sleep. And return to the grind.
It can be depressing. However, I’m hoping to find a way to make it less so.
There are still fun things on the calendar. There are still toys to take. There are games to play. There is joy to be had. We will find it all.
How do you deal with the winter doldrums? I’m taking all tips.
Wishing you and your a Merry After Break.
That’s all for now…Captain out.
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