I have partnered with Life of Dad and Cheerios for this campaign, but my opinions are my own. So are my bowl and spoon – except for when my kids steal them. Which is all the time. So fine – my opinions ARE my own, but my bowl and spoon are not. Happy kids?
Mornings are tough Doesn’t matter if it is the weekend or a weekday. There’s the fog of what was hopefully a good night’s sleep, the slow realization of the to do list for the day, and the desire to go back to bed. And all of those things are competing for control of your body and mind in the young morning.
As a parent, I have found that the best chance of success is a united front. Finding a way to turn frowns to smiles and sleep to laughter. Our family bonds over many things, but in the mornings we depend on and bond over humor.
When my kids laugh, there’s a greater chance of getting them moving. So whether it is tickling, laughing at bad jokes, singing their favorite (or least favorite) songs poorly, or even resorting to slapstick – humor is our catalyst in the morning.
I even got my daughter into the act. She made me a joke book to put on the refrigerator. That’s perfect for mornings!
And if I can get them dressed and to the breakfast table? Even better. A day that starts with a grin is destined for a win.
Recently, we had the opportunity to check out the new Very Berry Cheerios – which have the real taste of berries in every bite. Now just check out the photo and see how these jokers treat me. See how they are hanging on me and stealing my food? It’s not berry nice, but it is funny.

Apparently, I’m not the only one dealing with a food thief. Check out my buddy Danny Cameron:
I’m happy to say that we have many moments like this that are (wait for it) berry funny. In the same way that our funny bones aren’t artificial, Very Berry Cheerios contain no artificial flavors or colors from artificial sources.
I will cop to being a king of puns, a bad morning singer, a tickling ninja, and resorter to physical humor, but I truly believe that the better a morning starts – the better the day will be. And I am berry committed to pulling out all the stops for a berry good day – just like my buddy Dave Lesser did with his kiddos by sneaking snacks into the movie theater:
This family is berry bonded over humor. I just hope my kids never tire or outgrow my bad jokes.
So how does your family bond in the morning? Hopefully, Berry Funny…