Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1742. Yesterday was a big day – the Diaper Dweller’s first pair of shoes. We made the trek to Stride Rite and had the boy measured. Mrs. Captain would not let me buy the R2D2 shoes (they didn’t have my size), however we did settle on a nice pair of sandals for the boy.
Ironically, when we got home, Mrs. Captain pulled out The Eldest’s first pair of shoes. They were the exact same size.
You know what that means? The Captain could have saved money and simply given the DD the Eldest’s old shoes. So what if they are pink. He would grow out of them in a month. Ha!
The good news is that he likes them. Last night before he fell asleep, he walked over, picked up his shoes, threw them at me, and sat down so I would put them on. After I did, he hoped in my lap and fell asleep. I’d say they were a good purchase. Did I mention they were waterproof? Next time he gets R2. Shhhh…..
That’s all for now.
Captain out.
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