It’s important to consider where I have been. The fluorescent fanny pack and I have had some fun adventures. Aside from the physical workouts that I’ve had, I have learned a great deal about myself as well – or in some cases, I have remembered things about myself that I have long forgotten.
Since the summer, I have had some amazing experiences. Some of them have been simple and some have been more challenging. I’ve been biking alone, with one kid, with both kids, with the whole family. I’ve gone on walks. I’ve tried a ropes course. I’ve been hiking in the woods at the park. I’ve played lawn games with the kids.
I’ve been paddle boarding and swimming (sort of – I just kind of flail in the water). I’ve climbed walls, hills, and stairs. I’ve started lifting again and doing some quick in home workouts.
I’ve learned that recuperation and meditation are an important part of exercise.
Recently, I joined an adult basketball league and hoop on a weekly basis now. It is good to be active again. It’s fun to have competition again. It’s fun to have that good soreness again.
I think it is true that a Dadlete knows no season. There are challenges to be found year round and I intend to find them. Check out Part 2 to see what I have planned for this upcoming year. Thanks for joining me on this journey – but it isn’t over yet.
If you are looking for some gear for your next adventure, be sure to check out Russell Athletic online (or at your local Walmart)!
Check my Dadlete landing page for the full collection as they occur. Also, be sure to check my Instagram page (including my Instagram Stories) as I post mini updates there as well. And if you want to see other Dadletes and their adventures, check out the hashtag #Dadlete on Twitter and Instagram!