Game Off


Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1624.  The Captain has not given up much for Lent in the past.  Truthfully, he can’t remember exact items that he has promised to avoid.  Since this year’s theme is all about improving, the Captain has decided that he should give up something substantial for Lent. 
The Captain pondered a number of different things – the cats, vegetables, exercise, etc.  But the true spirit of Lent is to grow stronger in your faith – and that is something you do through sacrificing something you enjoy.  Alas, sacrificing a cat is not going to suffice. 
What the Captain has decided to do is sacrifice watching sporting events on television.  No combine (yes, I do watch the Combine every year – I am a Browns fan and we have a vested interest EVERY year), no NBA All Star game, no March Madness (yes, I will still fill out a bracket, but no watching the games), and no Opening Day.  Yes, the highlights/headlines will still be viewable, but I am giving up televised sports.  Those of you who know the Captain know this is a BIG deal.  
We will see how this goes.  It will be hard, but worth it in the long run.  For now…
Captain Out.   

6 thoughts on “Game Off”

    • Thank you!
      Funny thing…I have been trying to understand NASCAR. I don’t understand cars so much – that’s my biggest problem. Every year I swear I am going to follow a driver…and I don’t. Maybe I will catch on halfway this year!

  1. Hey. I was wondering if you’d be interested in having your blog featured on our site I couldn’t find your email on here to give you details so if you could email me if you’re interested, we’d love to work with you. Thanks.

    • Patrick,
      Thank you for the comment! I sent you an email for further communication. I thought I posted my email address ( on here, but alas it appears I did not. Something else for me to fix…lol


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