Do you know any kids doing the extraordinary? Did you ever consider the fact that there are kids in your community that have the potential to do the extraordinary? More on that in a minute.
As the reigning SuperMilkMan, I have shared, on a number of occasions, my affinity for Milk and all of its benefits. I was honored to be a part of the unveiling of the Great American Milk Drive (an activation with Feed America), and proud to continue to serve as a spokesperson for the effort. The cool thing about the #MilkDrive initiative? Milk is one of the most requested items by food bank clients, yet it is rarely donated. The Great American Milk Drive strives to fill the empty glasses on the tables of so many families, that visit food banks, with the nutrient rich drink that packs 8 grams of protein. Milk is focused on fueling active, successful days. Between the nutrients and protein that an 8 oz. glass of Milk provides, it is a great way to start your day and aim beyond your potential.
The Great American Milk Drive helps to deliver milk to families in your community. You can make a donation of milk for as little as $5. Just visit the site (, enter your zip code, and your donation can help to fuel the potential of your community.
Speaking of potential, Milk has a new partnership with an old friend – Disney. That’s right Milk has partnered with Disney’s Citizen Kid initiative. Milk has partnered with Disney (the #1 family entertainment brand) for many years. Disney’s Citizen Kid is all about inspiring kids to reach their fullest potential. It is impressive what kids can do, and Citizen Kids are working to make a difference in their communities. These are the kinds of kids that benefit from a healthy breakfast that includes Milk to help power their potential. They are indeed living the Milk Life.
It is important for us to keep talking about the importance of starting the day off with a breakfast that includes Milk. Why? Because, believe it or not, the kids are listening. Whether kids get their breakfast (with Milk) at home or at school, it helps kids be at their best in the classroom and during recreation time. A good breakfast, with Milk, provides kids with nutrients and energy they need to tackle their day. In fact, studies show that breakfast eaters perform better on math, reading, and standardized tests – and have better attendance than students who skip breakfast. And this is why it is mandatory in our house to have breakfast, with Milk, before the school/workday begins.
The Milk Life is all about wringing every last drop out of every single moment. Take time to fuel your Milk Life with a breakfast that includes Milk. Want to help power your community? Make a donation to the Great American Milk Drive and help to provide kids, and their families, with the most requested item – Milk. Give other families the opportunity to live the Milk Life to its fullest. You never know, you may be fueling that kid in your community to do the extraordinary. There are Citizen Kids all around us with the potential, and the will, to do the extraordinary.
For more information, check out Citizen Kid , Milk Life , and Great American Milk Drive.
Also, you can check out Milk Life on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
I am proud to be a spokesperson for Milk Life and, more specifically, the Great American Milk Drive. I have been compensated for this post by MilkPep, but my words and thoughts are still my own.