Captain’s Log: Diaper Date 4568. Day 1 of Embargo
So today was the first official day of the educational embargo that has fallen upon us. The children understand that our role in the social distancing recommendation is to help not spread the virus that is making its way around the world.
While this is not convenient for anyone, we are all doing our best to adjust to the new normal. We started the weekend with a family meeting and discussed some expectations that we have going forward.
Would You Like to Play a Game?
On the positive side, we have discovered some old games that we love and some new games that we are enjoying. More on both of those to come in the forthcoming days.
I have determined that I am going to use this time to explore ways to make myself better. I have compiled some books to read, some blank pages to fill, and some people to communicate with through technological resources that we have.
Don’t Fruit the Pizza
In further preparation for our time hunkered in, I took the opportunity to hunt and gather for the family at the local grocery store. The trip answered a debate that I had with students earlier this school year – Does fruit belong on pizza? The answer is evident that even in a pandemic situation where toilet paper is not available, soup is scarce, and bread is nearly gone – the one thing readily available? Pineapple pizza.
And no, I did not get any for my family.
Well, settle in for more tales as our adventure hits the rocky waters of home seclusion, e-learning, working from home, and uncertainty. Through it all we will try to find some humor in the situation and make the best of it. I wish your family the same and good health.
So I guess that is it for now, friends.