I Believe

I have already shared my experience with Santa. Well, today he is at it again, but this time he is getting a little help from the good people at Macy’s. I believe that Macy’s National Believe Day is one of the coolest things that I have heard about. Before I get into that, let me give you some background.

Each year Macy’s has what they call the Believe campaign. It’s real simple – you write a letter to Santa and either drop it off in their store, or type it and share it online and they donate $1 to Make-A-Wish.

In case you don’t know about Make-A-Wish, it is a foundation that grants the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions. These wishes are experiences that not only bring some joy, but also offer strength and encouragement to kids. Some health professionals have found that the wishes have a positive impact on the health of these children and many parents cite that the experience strengthens the family as a whole – according to a study in 2011. You want to talk about magic? They grant a wish, somewhere in the country, every 37 minutes. This year alone, they have granted well over 14,000 wishes.

And you can help make another wish come true.

Today, on National Believe Day, Macy’s is upping the ante. They are going to double the donation – $2 per letter delivered to their store or online and will go above the campaign goal of one million dollars. All you have to do is write a letter and drop it off at the store – or online through their site, and you are helping to make a wish come true.

Today, Macy’s will help Make-A-Wish grant 50 wishes around the country. You can join Macy’s and Make-A-Wish in watching the celebrations unfold on the special Believe Together Hub – macysbelievetogether.com. You will be able see posts, tweets, videos, and photos posted on social media, in real time, as wishes are granted today. This is something that will grow even the grinchiest heart 8 sizes.

So who is with me? I’m headed to the Macy’s today at Castleton around 6 pm to drop my letter off. Colts fans will be pleased to hear that Reggie Wayne is going to make an appearance as well. I wonder what he is going to ask Santa for Christmas?

Those of you who don’t live in Indy will be pleased to know that this event is happening nationally. Have a Macy’s close to you? Take your letter to Santa today. It’s worth a $2 donation and will help deliver a wish, and during the season of giving – isn’t that the best gift you can give?

More to come later.

For now…Captain out!


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