Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1639. The Diaper Dweller is approaching full strength. This makes the crew happy and scares us at the same time. Around dinnertime last night, the Diaper Dweller resumed his regular tactics. He tortured the Eldest by taking her things. Fortunately, she found it adorable and cute. It might have been opposite day.
Speaking of the Eldest, I grow concerned with her choices in entertainment. She has fallen in love with the movie Megamind.

It is pretty funny. Comes with a PG rating, but aside from the satiric violence (which can be a big deal with many kids) there are minimal questionable scenes. As a parent, you appreciate not having to explain much. But as a parent you are also leary.
Am I raising my child to be a supervillain?
Now I have already explored the possibility that my son may be a villain, but perhaps I am overlooking the obvious. Perhaps evil is being trained right beneath my nose in the disguise of princess pink, dance attire, and bouncy baby lamby curls. Perhaps my daughter is a supervillain in training…
It makes sense to a degree. I, too, was once an aspiring supervillain. Growing up there were three characters I adored. Okay four. The Incredible Hulk and Spiderman receive honorable mentions. Superman, for obvious reasons, was a mainstay. He and I were born in the same city afterall. But after Supes, there was Chewie, Godzilla, and Darth Vader. Two of the three destroyed things on a regular basis. While it can be argued that Godzilla was misunderstood, and a creation of the negligence of mankind, there is no debating that Vader was bad. And I loved him. I was never afraid of him. I wanted to be him. I would walk around and say, “Your lack of faith is disturbing,” and, my favorite, “…you are not a Jedi yet.” (Sidenote: Jedi gets autocorrected to Jesus…I’m not comfortable with that.)
Aside from the obvious dark garb, Megamind and the Dark Lord of the Sith have something in common – (spoiler alert) they both experience a sort of redemption.
So maybe things aren’t as bleak as I think. Maybe she will bring balance to the Force. Or maybe she will discover that her intellect can be used to save the day.
As long as she doesn’t fall in love with a villain/badboy… Like the DirecTv commercials says, “Then you’ll wind up with a grandkid in a dog collar. Don’t have a grandchild with a dog collar.”
I will be mindful of Megamind, but I don’t think I have much to worry about. I mean the Captain turned out okay.
Umm. Commence worrying.
Captain out.
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Funny stuff. I am adding Mega Mind to my movie list so I can watch for clues to see if I am also raising a super villian!
It is a funny movie in my opinion. I have seen it way too many times and still laugh. The music in it is pretty good too!