The Bully

Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1646. It is Friday and that should be a good thing.  However, today the Captain feels like that kid that picked on the school bully and now has a date with destiny behind the schoolhouse after the last bell.  You know, one of those, “Oh. So you think you’re … Read more

Raising a Supervillain…part II

Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1639.  The Diaper Dweller is approaching full strength.  This makes the crew happy and scares us at the same time.  Around dinnertime last night, the Diaper Dweller resumed his regular tactics.  He tortured the Eldest by taking her things. Fortunately, she found it adorable and cute.  It might have … Read more

The Fight Continues

Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1634.  Short entry.  Once again The Eldest battled.  She refused to sleep in her own bed.  The rebellion was subsided with a book and book light, yet I fear that it is not over yet.  The Diaper Dweller staged his own Occupy movement.  I attempted to rock him.  He … Read more

The Mani/Pedi Captain style

Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1635.  The Captain has been the father of a daughter for over 4 years now.  This has meant the participation in some pretty ridiculous things.  And by ridiculous the Captain means fun though sometimes slightly uncomfortable.  The Captain has played dress up, had tea parties, had dance parties while … Read more

The last play day.

Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1569. I have survived three days on my own. The natives are restless. Currently, my arms are receiving rest thanks to the jumperoo that the diaper dweller is indulging in and expending precious energy (it didn’t last for long – he is sleepy now).  The eldest is eating waffles … Read more

My son the villain.

Captain’s Log. Daddy Chronicles. Diaper Date 1568. Quick entry/discovery.  Just had one of those deja vu moments. The diaper dweller is only 7 months old. I shouldn’t be too critical, but I thought he would be crawling by the time my break was over – an obvious testament to my rearing. Alas, he cannot. He … Read more

Daddy Goes to Jail

Captain’s Log.  Daddy Chronicles.  Diaper Date 1566. Today I was left alone with both children.  Since I am still on Winter Break, both of the heirs to the Captain’s empire stayed home instead of going to daycare.  Mrs. Captain claims to have to work, but I think she may be abandoning the ship for a … Read more

Christmas Shell

Captain’s Log.  Daddy Chronicles.  Diaper Date 1564.  The lights on the tree are still glowing.  The house is finally silent.  It was a very good day. Before I go to sleep…I have one question. Who designs the packaging for toys? Second question – What are they mad about? The talent of this individual is being … Read more

Maiden Voyage

Captain’s Log.  Daddy Chronicles.  Diaper date 1562.  This is my Maiden Voyage on the interwebs in regards to my personal Captain’s Log.  There have been several previous entries which may be re-shared at a later date. It is Christmas Eve Eve.  The natives are restless.  The diaper dweller spent much of the day attempting to … Read more